増渕雄一 / PI: Prof. Yuichi Masubuchi
名古屋大学大学院工学研究科物質科学専攻 教授
Professor, Department of Materials Physics, Nagoya University
連絡先: Contact
〒464-8603 名古屋市千種区不老町工学部7号館(EI館)7階709号室
Room 709, 7th floor, Engineering Building No.7 (EI-Bldg.),
Furocho, Chikusa, Nagoya 4648603, JAPAN
e-mail: mas@mp.pse.nagoya-u.ac.jp
phone: +81-(0)52-789-2551 (名大内からの内線は2551)
略歴: Career
I received my Ph.D. in 1996 from Nagoya University, where I worked under the supervision of Prof. Masao Doi on the dynamics of DNA molecules during gel electrophoresis. After completing my doctoral studies, I held a position as an Assistant Professor at Yamagata University from 1996 to 2001, where I worked with Profs. Kiyohito Koyama and Jun-Ichi Takimoto on rheology. In 1999, I spent six months as a guest researcher at the University of Naples, where I had the opportunity to learn from Profs. Giuseppe Marrucci, Giovanni Ianniruberto, and Francesco Greco. In 2001, I returned to Nagoya University as an Assistant Professor to continue my work on computational polymer science with Prof. Doi. In 2004, I was promoted to the position of Associate Professor at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. In 2007, I joined the faculty of Kyoto University, where I collaborated with Profs. Hiroshi Watanabe and Yumi Matsumiya on polymer rheology. During my time at Kyoto University, I also spent a month collaborating with Prof. Florian Müller-Plathe on simulations of entangled polymers at the Technical University of Darmstadt and delivered a lecture course on rheology at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. In 2015, I returned to Nagoya to become a full professor at the National Composite Center. In 2017, I joined the Engineering School, where I currently lead a research group focused on rheology.
1996.9 名古屋大学博士(工学)取得(応用物理学専攻,土井正男研)
1996.10 山形大学助手(機能高分子工学科,小山清人研)
2001.3 名古屋大学助手(計算理工学専攻,土井正男研)
2004.4 東京農工大学助教授(有機化学科)
2007.4 京都大学准教授(化学研究所,渡辺宏研)
2015.4 名古屋大学教授(ナショナルコンポジットセンター)
2017.4 名古屋大学大学院教授 (工学研究科物質科学専攻)
1999 ナポリ大学文部科学省在外派遣
2012 ダルムシュタット工科大学招聘准教授
2012 リオデジャネイロ州立大学招聘准教授
2012 名古屋大学客員准教授
2015 九州大学客員教授
2016 岐阜大学客員教授
2017 山形大学教授(クロスアポイント)
2019 岐阜大学客員教授
2019 御茶ノ水女子大学客員教授
その他: Misc
過去の担当講義:(演習系)統計力学演習・解析力学演習・高分子工学演習・科学英語演習・物理化学演習 (実験系)物理化学実験・高分子物理学実験・科学基礎実験 (講義系)熱力学・反応速度論・力学・物理化学・線形代数・基礎情報処理・応用物性・分子レオロジー特論
活動: Activities
最近の活動 Recent Activities: こちら See here.
受賞等 Awards:
- 2004 JSTさきがけ(PRESTO Fellow of Japan Science and Technology Agency)
- 2005 日本レオロジー学会奨励賞(Encouraging prize from Society of Rheology Japan)
- 2008 プラスチック成形加工学会功労賞(Distinguished serves award from Japan Society of Polymer Processing)
- 2009 分子シミュレーション研究会学術賞(The award of molecular simulation society of Japan)
- 2010 日本レオロジー学会論文賞(The best paper award from Society of Rheology Japan)
- 2011 日本ゴム協会ソフトマターフロンティア賞(The soft-material frontier award from the Society of Rubber Science and Technology, Japan)
- 2016 日本ゴム協会賞(The rubber science and technology award, Japan)
- 2017 文部科学大臣表彰(The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, Japan)
- 2024 高分子学会賞(The Award of the Society of Polymer Science, Japan)
論文リストなど List of Publications: