
This page shows the list of activities in FY2016. For the recent activities, see this page.


  1. Kazuaki Z. Takahashi, Ryuto Nishimura, Kenji Yasuoka and Yuichi Masubuchi, “Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Resolving Scaling Laws of Polyethylene Melts”, Polymers, 9(1), 24 (2017). doi:10.3390/polym9010024, http://www.mdpi.com/2073-4360/9/1/24
  2. P. K. Bhattacharjee*, D. A. Nguyen, Y. Masubuchi, and T. Sridhar, “Extensional Step Strain Rate Experiments on an Entangled Polymer Solution”, Macromolecules, 2017, 50 (1), pp 386–395.
  3. Y. Masubuchi* and Y. Amamoto,“Orientational Cross-Correlation in Entangled Binary Blends in Primitive Chain Network Simulations”, Macromolecules,2016, 49 (23), pp 9258–9265, http://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.macromol.6b01642
  4. Yuichi Masubuchi*, Michael Langeloth, Michael C. Böhm, Tadashi Inoue, and Florian Müller-Plathe,“A Multichain Slip-Spring Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulation Method for Entangled Polymer Solutions”, Macromolecules, 2016, 49 (23), pp 9186–9191, http://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.macromol.6b01971
  5. Y. Masubuchi* and Y. Amamoto,“Effect of osmotic force on orientational cross-correlation in primitive chain network simulation”, Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi (J Soc Rheol Jpn), 44(4), 219-222 (2016).
  6. T. Yamamoto* and Y. Masubuchi, “An approximate analytical solution of flow fields at the front of Poiseuille flows”, Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi (J Soc Rheol Jpn), 44(4), 211-217 (2016).
  7. Y. Masubuchi*, M. Terada, A. Yamanaka, T. Yamamoto and T. Ishikawa, “Distribution function of fiber length in thermoplastic composites”, Composites Science and Technology, Volume 134, 6 October 2016, Pages 43-48. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compscitech.2016.08.007
  8. Natthida Rakkapao*, Hiroshi Watanabe, Yumi Matsumiya and Yuichi Masubuchi, “Dielectric Relaxation and Ionic Conductivity of a Chitosan/Poly (ethylene oxide) Blend Doped with Potassium and Calcium Cations”, Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi (J Soc Rheol Jpn),44(2), 89-97 (2016).

Book Chapter

  1. Y. Masubuchi,“PASTA and NAPLES: Rheology Simulator”, Computer Simulation of Polymeric Materials: Applications of the OCTA System, Ed. by Japan Association for Chemical Innovation, Springer, pp101-127. http://www.springer.com/br/book/9789811008146.


  1. Yuichi Masubuchi, “The XVIIth International Congress on Rheology”, Applied Rheology, 26, 52-54 (2016)


  1. 増渕雄一, ”高分子ダイナミクスの分子論”,2016年度高分子学会東海支部東海高分子学生研究会(2017/3/4),名大(招待講演)
  2. 増渕雄一, ”おもしろレオロジー”,日本化粧品技術者会第274回学術講演会(2017/3/3),東京(招待講演)
  3. K. Natsume, Y. Amamoto, Y. Masubuchi, T. Yamamoto “Structural changes of DNA-histone complexes in various ionic strength and species”, IWEAYR-12th, p25  (2017/2/10)Chonburi, Thailand
  4. M. Kuze,  Y. Masubuchi, T. Yamamoto “The frictional behavior ofbanana and agarose”, IWEAYR-12th, P28 (2017/2/10)Chonburi, Thailand
  5. T. Isoda,  Y. Masubuchi, T. Yamamoto “Lattice theory of disjoining pressure for foam films adsorbing polyelectrolytes”, IWEAYR-12th,  P39 (2017/2/10)Chonburi, Thailand
  6. T. Hirayama, T. Yamamoto, Y. Masubuchi, “Characterization of critical gel for Nylon 6 and Polypropylene ”, IWEAYR-12th,  P38 (2017/2/10)Chonburi, Thailand
  7. H. Takata,Y. Amamoto  T. Yamamoto,  Y. Masubuchi,“Molecular dynamics simulation of 1,4-cis-polybutadiene in vicinity of glass transition”, IWEAYR-12th, P8 (2017/2/9)Chonburi, Thailand
  8. Ankita Pandey and Yuichi Masubuchi, “DPD Simulations of Entangled Polymers Under Fast Shear”, 12th International Workshop for East Asian Young Rheologists (IWEAYR), p50, (2017/2/9), Chonburi, Thailand
  9. Yoshifumi Amamoto, Hideyuki Otsuka, Atsushi Takahara and Krzysztof Matyjaszewski,“Chemical Gels Cross-linked by Reversible Covalent Bonds: Toward Changes in Network Sizes and Self-healing Materials”IWEAYR-12th, O5 (2017/2/9)Chonburi, Thailand
  10. Yuichi Masubuchi, “Molecular simulations of polymer rheology”, The 6th International Symposium of Green MAP Center and LPIC, (2017/1/28)  Yonezawa, Japan (invited talk)
  11. Yuichi Masubuchi, “Molecular mechanism of strain hardening revealed by multi-chain slip-link simulations”, International Workshop on Computational Soft-Matter Physics, (2017/1/18)  Yonezawa, Japan (invited talk)
  12. Yoshifumi Amamoto, Satoru Matsushima, Atsushi Takano, Yushu Matsushita, Yuichi Masubuchi,“Molecular Simulation of Polymers Containing Different Alkyl Chain Lengths in Side Chains” IPC2016, (2016/12/15) Fukuoka, Japan, 15P-S2-023a
  13. Ankita Pandey and Yuichi Masubuchi, “End-to-end relaxation of entangled polymers under fast shear”, 2nd International Conference on Soft Materials, Jaipur, India, (2016/12/13)
  14. Ankita Pandey and Yuichi Masubuchi, “End-to-end relaxation of entangled polymers under fast shear”, Soft Matter: Young Investigators Meet 2016, Goa, India, (2016/12/17-18), Poster
  15. Yuichi Masubuchi, ”Multi-chain slip-spring simulations for entangled polymers”, The British Society of Rheology Midwinter Meeting 2016 and Symposium on “The Science of Alexei Likhtman”(2016/12/13),Reading, UK (invited talk)
  16. 増渕雄一, ”高分子溶液の粗視化モデル”,2016年度高分子基礎物性研究会・高分子計算機科学研究会・
  17. 増渕雄一, ”高分子レオロジーの基礎”,プラスチック成形加工学会第156回講演会(2016/12/6),東京(招待講演)
  18. 増渕雄一, ”レオロジーと粘弾性の基礎”,第14回界面活性剤評価・試験法セミナー(2016/11/22),東京(招待講演)
  19. 増渕雄一, ”からみあい高分子の分子間配向における相関”,第64回レオロジー討論会(2016/10/30),大阪大学 3B01
  20. 小山匡子,増渕雄一, ”混合界面活性剤水溶液の泡のレオロジー測定”,第64回レオロジー討論会(2016/10/30),大阪大学 2B02
  21. 髙田寛人,天本義史,山本哲也,増渕雄一, “ガラス転移近傍でのポリブタジエンの分子動力学シミュレーション”,第64回レオロジー討論会(2016/10/29),大阪大学,ポスター発表P44
  22. 平山貴也,山本哲也,増渕雄一, “ポリアミド 6, 66, 610 の臨界ゲルの評価”,第64回レオロジー討論会(2016/10/29),大阪大学,ポスター発表P49
  23. 磯田卓万,山本哲也,増渕雄一, “高分子電解質が吸着した泡膜の分離圧の理論解析”,第64回レオロジー討論会(2016/10/29),大阪大学,ポスター発表P53
  24. 一見泰志,種村亮祐,森直哉,増渕雄一,”増粘多糖類水溶液の曳糸性とキャピラリー数の関係”,第64回レオロジー討論会(2016/10/29),大阪大学 ポスター発表P54
  25. 増渕雄一, ”高分子のからみあいダイナミクスの多体モデル”,第6回ソフトマター研究会(2016/10/24),北海道大学(招待講演)
  26. 増渕雄一, ”熱可塑性CFRP成形加工の解析”,VENT研究会2016年第4回研究発表会(2016/10/20),京都工芸繊維大学(招待講演)
  27. 増渕雄一, ”高分子レオロジーの基礎”,第24回東海高分子基礎研修コース(2016/10/17),名古屋工業大学(招待講演)
  28. 増渕雄一, ”分子シミュレーションによる高分子レオロジーの解析”,16-1 高分子計算機科学研究会(2016/10/14),東京工業大学(招待講演)
  29. 磯田卓万, 山本哲也, 増渕雄一, ”泡膜中の高分子の分子量と膜の安定性の関係”,日本物理学会2016年秋季大会(2016/9/13) ,金沢大学13pBE-8
  30. 増渕雄一, ”樹脂成形加工のマルチスケールシミュレーション”,第32回長持ちの研究会,(2016/9/30),京都工芸繊維大学(招待講演)
  31. 平山貴也, 山本哲也, 増渕雄一, ”炭素繊維ナイロン複合材料の固化と結晶化における冷却速度の影響”,第65回高分子討論会, (2016/9/16),神奈川大学(依頼講演) 3J03
  32. 増渕雄一, ”長繊維強化熱可塑性樹脂の成形加工におけるソフトマター物理学”,第65回高分子討論会,(2016/9/14),神奈川大学(招待講演) 11Q08IL
  33. Yuichi Masubuchi, “Orientational cross-correlation in entangled polymers”, International Workshop on “New Aspects of Micro- and Macroscopic Flows in Soft Matters”, (2016/8/16), OIST (invited lecture)
  34. S. Matsushima, A. Takano, Y. Takahashi, Y. Masubuchi and Y. Matsushita, “Preparation and viscoelastic Properties of a series of model poly(n-alkyl styrene)s”, ICR2016 (2016/8/10), Kyoto, D1_A5_R1A
  35. Akinori Baba and Yuichi Masubuchi, “A quantitative connection between full-atom and bead-spring models of polymers”, ICR2016 (2016/8/10), Kyoto, D1_M3_R1B
  36. N. Rakkapao,H. Watanabe, Y. Matsumiya and Y. Masubuchi, “Dielectric Relaxation and Ionic Conductivity of a Chitosan/Poly(ethylene oxide) Blend Doped with Potassium and Calcium Cations”, ICR2016 (2016/8/12), Kyoto, D4_M6_R2E
  37. Yuichi Masubuchi, “Comparison between the tube model and the multi-chain slip-link model”, ICR2016 (2016/8/12), Kyoto, D4_M7_R1A
  38. Sathish K. Sukumaran, Yuichi Masubuchi, Ryo Nonaka, Jun-ichi Takimoto, “Correlation between Chains and Coarsegraining in Entangled Polymer Liquids”, ICR2016 (2016/8/12), Kyoto, D4_M8_R1A
  39. Keiko TAKEDA, Sathish Kumar SUKUMARAN, Masataka SUGIMOTO, Kiyohito KOYAMA, and Yuichi MASUBUCHI*, “Effect of Friction Reduction Due to Weak Segment Orientation under Equibiaxial Elongational Flow”, ICR2016 (2016/8/11), Kyoto, P053 (Poster)
  40. Yuichi Masubuchi, “Short Course on Polymer Dynamics”, Pre-ICR2016 Short Lecture Course, (2016/8/7-8), Kyoto (invited).
  41. 磯田卓万,山本哲也,増渕雄一, “二つの変形モデルを使った泡膜の安定性の理論解析”,日本レオロジー学会第43回年会(2016/5/12,13),東京,ポスター発表P11
  42. 平山貴也,山本哲也,増渕雄一, “炭素繊維を含むナイロン6の固化機構の評価”,日本レオロジー学会第43回年会(2016/5/12,13),東京,ポスター発表P12
  43. Tetsuya Yamamoto, Masao Doi, and David Andelman, “Ion Injection Mechanism of Contact Angle Saturation in Electrowetting”, The 10th International Meeting on Electrowetting (2016/6/20), Taipei, Taiwan (Invited talk).
  44. Tetsuya Yamamoto and Helmut Schiessel, “Transcription drives phase separation in chromatin brush”, The 16th International Conference on Organized Molecular Films (2016/7/27), Helsinki, Finland, IL6 (Invited talk).
  45. Tetsuya Yamamoto and Masao Doi, “Electrochemical mechanism of ion current rectification of polyelectrolyte gel diodes”, Xiamen International Workshop 2016 on Soft Matter: from mesoscale assembly to smart fabrication (2016/10/25), Xiamen, China (Invited talk).
  46. Tetsuya Yamamoto and Helmut Schiessel, “転写によって誘起されるクロマチンブラシの相分離”, 第54回日本生物物理学会年会 (2016/11/26), つくば国際会議場, ポスター発表103.
  47. Tetsuya Yamamoto and Helmut Schiessel, “Transcription drives phase separation in chromatin brush”, The 12th International Conference on Nano-Molecular Electronics (2016/12/14), Kobe, Japan  S5-I-2 (Invited talk).
  48. Tetsuya Yamamoto and S. A. Safran, “DNAブラシの転写レート”, 日本物理学会 第72回年次大会 (2017/3/17), 口頭発表-17pL41.

Social Activities

  1. Y. Masubuchi, Organizer of International Workshop on Computational Soft-Matter Physics, Yonezawa, Japan, 2017/1/18
  2. Y. Masubuchi, Board member of International Rubber Conference (IRC)2016.
  3. Y. Masubuchi, Secretary of International Congress on Rheology (ICR)2016.
  4. Y. Masubuchi, Session organizer of Computational Rheology, and of Likhtman Session in ICR2016.
  5. 増渕雄一,日本レオロジー学会誌副編集委員長
  6. 増渕雄一,高分子学会会員・普及委員会委員
  7. 増渕雄一,岐阜大学大学院工学研究科客員教授
  8. 増渕雄一,東北大学理学部博士論文審査委員
  9. 増渕雄一,日本学術振興会科学研究費助成事業第一階審査委員(2016年度助成分)


  1. 平山貴也,山本哲也,増渕雄一, “ポリアミド 6, 66, 610 の臨界ゲルの評価”,第64回レオロジー討論会P49,大阪大学,ポスター賞(2016/10/29)
  2. 岸本浩通,増井友美,金子房恵,篠原佑也,増渕雄一,「SPring-8, J-PARC,「京」コンピューターを用いたゴム材料の連携解析 」,第28回日本ゴム協会賞,(2016/5/19)


  1. 増渕雄一(研究代表者),平成26年度-平成28年度 日本学術振興会科学研究費基盤研究(B)「配向伸長状態における高分子の分子摩擦」課題番号:26288059 直接経費予算総額 12,800千円(予定)
  2. 増渕雄一(研究代表者),平成27年度-平成30年度 JST-SIP受託研究「粗視化モデル計算に基づく材料設計支援技術の開発」直接経費+一般管理費予算総額 33,000千円(予定)

Industrial Collaborators

  • HASL
  • 住友ゴム
  • 太陽化学
  • トヨタ自動車
  • ブリヂストン
  • ミシュラン